Anderson Democrats stand up for what we believe in.

The majority of students—over 94% of South Carolina’s students—go to Public Schools. Vouchers cost our students by sending public dollars to private schools, schools that can discriminate.
South Carolina's Public Schools and the over 96% of students who attend them are under attack from legislation that will send public funds to private schools. Senators are even considering an amendment that would increase the types of vouchers allowed in the bill and the cost of the bill by $100 million or more!
Email your senator today to let then know you support public education!
Passionate about following education policy development and want to turn your research into action? Join our Education Working Group!
While SCDP and ACDP Executive Council are speaking out in favor of protecting SC education, here is YOUR chance to send a message to Columbia and let them know that you want a qualified Superintendent of Education too.
A group is gathering at the statehouse on Tuesday, January 24th at 11:45 to thank our legislators for supporting public education and educators! Please share these graphics with friends around the state! Registration not required.
SCDP Chair Trav Robertson has sent a letter to both US Attorney General Merrick Garland and SC Attorney General Alan Wilson requesting their offices to investigate potential fraud related to Ellen Weaver’s credentials to serve as SC Superintendent of Education.
The ACDP Executive Committee Officers have issued a statement formally supporting these requests.